Add new application

If you are an application admin you will have the correct user rights to add a new application for analysis to the Omnext SQA platform. To do so, please follow the following steps:

  1. Navigate to
  2. Login using your credentials or Single Sign On
  3. Click on My Organizations on the menu on the left
  4. Select the organization you want to add a new application for from the dropdown menu
  5. Select the Applications-tab
  6. Click Create Application on the right side of your screen
  7. Fill in the Application name
  8. Set the Automatic Processing Active button to Active
  9. Select the applicable technologies
  10. Choose the Source Delivery
    • Obtain sources from repository/repositories: Choose this option if you wish to connect to your repository (e.g. Mendix Sprintr, Git etc.)
    • Upload sources: Choose this option if you wish to trigger a new analysis by uploading sources manually
  11. Set the schedule if you want (only applicable when you choose to configure a repository
  12. Click Add Repository and select the applicable repository type from the dropdown list
  13. Fill in the required fields
  14. Click the Save button